Services & Pricing
We offer all kinds of audio production services, including (but not limited to) -
Splicing two different songs or pieces of music together
Adding or removing counts from your soundtrack
Filling gaps or empty parts of the music with original material
Embellishing original music with additional material
Adding soundscapes and samples to help create a sonic "environment"
Isolating tracks
Eq'ing for big arena speakers
Mixes for Dance & Cheer Teams
- and more!
Whether it's a one-time cut early-on or multiple edits through the season, we offer multiple different contracts to fit your needs. Need to add 4 counts there or remove 16 counts here? No problem! With our unlimited plan, timely edits at no extra cost to you for the length of your season!
Let's chat about what you're looking for and how we can help bring your vision to life!

Founded in 2015 in Austin, TX and now operating out of Philadelphia, PA, Winter Guard Soundtracks is the brain child of Mike Bishop, partner to seasoned color guard performer & educator Kelsey Murphy-Bishop.
Mike graduated Summa Cum Laude as Valedictorian with a Bachelor of Science in Music Production degree from Full Sail University, and is a member of The Recording Academy/GRAMMYs. Mike has created soundtracks and completed audio work for the marching arts throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia. Learn more about Mike, his experience, and other services he offers here.
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